Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Changing the Nature of Higher Education Research Paper

Changing the Nature of Higher Education - Research Paper Example n example, there was an authorized provision for â€Å"College Senate† in one of the institutions, but the bylaws stated that the membership could be drawn wholly from the board of administers and college governors, and not from the faculty. From these, one can assess that the creation and refinement of the structure is a legacy of the colonial colleges which in turn defined and shaped the higher education system in the United States to the present day. However, Thelin (2004) suggests that we do learn many straightforward incidents from Adams about Harvard in 1858. The classes were small and had about one hundred students per class with a total enrollment of about five hundred. Its faculty could enjoy a high local prestige in the society but were not well paid (p.63). This practice in the Harvard was implemented with intent to encourage them for developing the habit of self-criticism and even self-doubt. By the end of the 19th century, various systems in the German higher educ ation such as ideal of advanced scholarship and doctoral programs with graduate students had influences over the United States’ higher education system. The American university in the 1890s typically was the historic college that was internally renovated and enhanced by new programs. It seemed like a smorgasbord for students and a few of them opted for a bachelor’s degree from there. It was the Morril Act of 1862 contributed to the expansion of the state college into the university model of federated units (Thelin, p. 104). However, the faculty’s teaching overload remained the same even with the expansion into new system. Only token allowances were granted for graduate courses and seminars while curricular offerings were for undergraduates. The implementation of new academic systems resulted... From the disc ussion it is clear that  the higher education in the colonial era had been under the administration of queens, kings, and bishops for centuries. The faculty at these institutions faced daily scrutiny from the administrative board and received immoderate approach from the directors who appointed them. In fact, as Thelin states, the academic freedom and the rights of the teacher in respect to the â€Å"hiring and firing† received little consideration from the authorities. At this period, a class president usually reported to the board of administrators rather than the faculty.  This essay stresses that a major factor that influenced the changes in faculty system was the contributions made by Charles Eliot. He gained fame though often referred as notoriety by implementing bold modernizations at Harvard College. He introduced an elective system from which some colleges formulated provisions for electives in student curriculum, while others sustained the same cour se of study. There have been evidences about implementing more provisions for specialized departments. The faculty identification was the factor highly impacted by the provision to conglomerate the colleges.   The states’ silence on issues of higher education campus enhancement in the 1880s was not a result of the governments’ disinterest towards research, applied science or technology. It did not imply that colleges or universities were systems for large-scale government projects.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sino-US relations Essay Example for Free

Sino-US relations Essay The improvement in Sino-US relations was the main factor promoting dà ©tente between Russia and America in the years 1969-75.’ How far do you agree with this view?  The Ping Pong diplomacy of 1971 begun a period of rapprochement in Sino-US relations. The ‘Chinese dimension’ to Cold War diplomacy threatened the USSR which feared a military alliance, and the Soviet Union moved to improve relations with the USA, thereby facilitating the process of dà ©tente. However, the fear of nuclear war, the escalating cost of the arms race coupled with the grim economic realities of the 1970s and the American withdraw from Vietnam and were also highly significant in promoting dà ©tente between Russia and America. The Soviet Union viewed the improvement in Sino-American relations as a threat to its national security, she was now confronted on two fronts and fearing military collusion, the Soviet Union sought improved relations with the USA. Soviet fears of the ‘yellow peril’ dated back to 19th Century and were reignited by the Sino-Soviet split of the 1960s. Climaxing in 1969 when the Peoples Liberation Army ambushed Soviet troops along the Usuri River, who suffered 59 casualties: this action was perceived by Russia as evidence that the Chinese had designs on its territory. Furthermore, following Kissinger’s secret visit to China in July 1971, the previously internationally isolated China, gained international recognition. She was admitted into the UN with a permanent seat on the Security Council in October that year. The result of this ‘triangular diplomacy’ for the Soviet Union was the relaxation of tensions with the USA through dà ©tente, the USSR believed this would offer the prospect of isolating China from the US and consequently decrease the threat of an coordinated attack. However, alternative factors also contributed to promoting dà ©tente between Russia and America in the years 1969-75. The fear of nuclear war and the escalating cost of the arms race pushed the Superpowers into pursuing better relations. By 1969 both sides had achieved relative nuclear parity in weapons and delivery systems, nuclear war would result in Mutually Assured Destruction. The extensive treaty systems both countries held in the third world, could result in small regional conflict developing into full scale nuclear war. Whilst the cost of maintaining this ‘balance of terror’ came at great economic cost, preventing much needed social reform. In the early 1970s the USA faced double digit inflation and widespread urban rioting in 1968. In contrast, the USSR had failed in its promise to deliver high-quality consumer products and faced falling GNP growth, from 5% in 1966-70 to 3.1% in 1971-75. These factors made it clear to the respective powers that improved relations were necessary to prevent nuclear war, agree on arms limitations and improve trade agreements: President Nixon and his NSC adviser Henry Kissinger’s successful policy of linkage meant the Soviet’s would recognise both superpowers had mutual interests in the Third World and opened up badly needed US technology and investment to the Soviet economy. Whilst the signing of arms limitation treaties of SALT 1 and the subsequent ABM treaty in 1972 was possibly the high point of US-Soviet co-operation engendered by Dà ©tente. Furthermore, the wider international situation of war in Vietnam and the situation in Europe precipitated improved Soviet-American relations. In the USA the war-weary public demanded withdraw from Vietnam which in 1968 had cost 16,889 American lives – pushing the administration of President Nixon to pursue better relations with Moscow; co-operation was vital to achieve a peace settlement with Hanoi. This being achieved through the policy of Linkage which recognised the Soviet sphere of influence. In return, the USSR would support American peace talks with the North Vietnamese. Furthermore, the uneasy territorial settlement of Europe created at Yalta in 1945, which had threatened possible US intervention in 1968 during the Czechoslovakian crisis meant US-Soviet co-operation was vital to ensure peace. The Helsinki Agreement of 1975 continued the policy of East-West dialogue over Europe begun by Willy Brandt’s successful policy of Ostpolitik during the late 1960s. The Soviet controlled Warsaw Pact gained official US recognition of the post-ww2 European borders, whilst the US largely unsuccessfully sought concessions over human rights issues from the USSR, which following the agreement were widely ignored. In conclusion, dà ©tente was the result of a variety of complex factors, driven by a war-weary United States counting the human and economic cost of militaristic confrontation of Communism in Vietnam. The United States under President Nixon recognised more could be achieved through peaceful diplomacy, whilst both Superpowers recognised that dà ©tente offered the opportunity to curtail spiralling defence spending and open up trade links between the nations. The improvement in Sino-US relations added an important Chinese dimension to Cold War diplomacy, but was not the main factor promoting dà ©tente between Russia and America in the years 1969-1975.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Classification of Workers :: Classification Essays

Money is the foremost incentive why infinite people work around the world. There are unequal classifications of jobs that contain more physical labor or deskwork. Some work as rescuers, businessmen, consultants, a student, doctors, or even garbage men. No matter where an individual works, they will always encounter three types of workers: Hard-Workers, Slackers, and Mediocres. The Hardworking people have several superb characteristics. These types of people usually goes to work on time or maybe even five or ten minutes early to see what needs to be accomplished. During the day, it rarely happens that they have to be advised to do something twice. When they clean rooms or set-up computers, they do it to the best of their ability and recheck everything to make certain it’s working properly. In addition, they tend to get things done on time and not one second late. Overall, Hardworking people are very responsible and reliable in a working environment. Slackers are much different than Hardworking people. They come to work five to ten minutes late without an excuse. They tend to work hard for the first three or four weeks of the job, but once they observe how the system works, their useless. Slackers hardly work from the time scheduled to the time finished. In addition, they do more viewing and squatting, then moving around and assisting others with equipment. They have to be informed when, where, and why they have to do it. The quality of the job is usually sloppy and doesn’t get accomplished on time. Lastly, their very unreliable people that don’t care about work, but need the money. Lastly, a Mediocre person has several characteristics as slackers, but somewhat better and more useful. Mediocre people on occasion cruise to work early or late, depends on how well their day went. Mediocre people can be Hardworker’s or Slacker’s depending on whether or not the boss is there. On occasion, they have to be told twice when to do something because they’re sometimes irresponsible. They work when they want and when they don’t, they won’t. They know when to stop Slacking and start working. They only do work that need to get accomplish. If they don’t have to do it, then they will lay it off for another person. The quality of work depends upon their mood and whom they associate with. Lastly, Mediocre people can be either reliable or unreliable/ It would be difficult trying to locate many hard working people around the world.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Disabilities Awareness Program :: College Admissions Essays

Disabilities Awareness Program    As the first student editor of this Disabilities Awareness newsletter for high school students, I was initially wary of the task. I had virtually no contact with anyone who faced a disability. I believe the fact that I was not familiar with the subject made me more curious about whom I would meet and what stories I would encounter. As editor, I presided over a group of students who helped develop and write this first edition. We have all learned a great deal from one another about people with disabilities and our attitudes toward them. Responding to a request sent out to English teachers, we came together to try something new which I hope you will enjoy reading as much as we have enjoyed writing.    My first job as student editor was to attend a ceremony last June at the Executive Mansion celebrating the inclusion of students with disabilities in New York State schools. I was completely awestruck at the determination of the students I met there. They had so willingly separated the myths of disabilities from the facts. These young students did not look at the disabilities that other students had, but saw through them and saw the person.    At the ceremony some special people came together to celebrate not only the success of inclusion, but the acceptance of inclusion. The day brought smiling faces for many children and adults alike who had participated in some way by including a person with a disability in some aspect of their lives. At the ceremony in the Executive Mansion, First Lady Libby Pataki presented achievement awards to both students and teachers. The Mansion was filled with the sounds of laughter.    It was after this ceremony that a group of students got together to write articles included in this publication. There were many stories submitted of inspiration and hope. Many of them parallel what was shown at the ceremony. Yet the thing which stands out the most is the concept that these are people. They are not the disability but they are the person. It is often forgotten that there is more to see than the disability. The personal struggles and acceptances point out what is really important.    Classrooms in 23 schools across the State participated in the Disabilities Awareness Program last year. Many more schools will join the program this year.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

English Comentary on Macbeth Essay

How does Shakespeare create tension in scene two using language, themes and stage directions? In act two scenes two Shakespeare creates tension with Language, themes and stage direction. As the plot unravels both the audience and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth experience suspense. He can portray this suspense through language; he uses one syllable words and imperative verbs. Tension is very important in act two scene two because it portrays the full effect the murder has on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Shakespeare also uses Sounds and actions to amplify the suspense creating more tension. At the start of act two scene two Lady Macbeth uses lots of words with one syllable for example; â€Å"That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold† that’s is Lady Macbeth’s first line and all of those words are one syllable words and so on for the next two lines. Using these words it creates fear. In this section she also says ‘What hath quenched them hath given me fire.’ This quote gives us a different view on Lady Macbeth because before this Lady Macbeth was strong and was willing to kill Duncan for power, but this quote humanizes Lady Macbeth. This creates tension because we realize as a reader that Lady Macbeth is fearful and not confident for what is about to happen. Once Macbeth enters the room his first line is â€Å"I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?† this quote is the falling action because Macbeth has finally killed king Duncan. Fear is seen in Macbeth because he is worried if anyone heard him. Euphemism is used, again to alleviate the impact. Lady Macbeth then responds with â€Å"I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry.† At this point in time animals were seen as bad omens. So we fear that Lady Macbeth and Macbeth will be boundless. Shakespeare also uses stage directions to amplify the whole scene for example after Macbeth killed Duncan he looks at his hand and how they are covered in blood. This makes Macbeth look weak and he says it is a â€Å"foolish sight† as if what he had done was a mistake. Throughout the scene Lady Macbeth leaves the room to fix Macbeth’s mistake and there is a knocking within and then lady Macbeth enters. This is a very important part of the play because it is where Macbeth and Lady Macbeth ar joined as one. â€Å"My hands are of your colour† this quote emphasises their relationship. And again there is a knocking within and another and another. And finally on the last knock Macbeth says â€Å"Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst! â€Å"

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Sea People of Sulu

The Sea People of Sulu This paper will examine the lives of a small group of boat dwellers of the Philippine nation. These unusual people are found scattered abroad the insular Southeast Asia. The data for this book was collected over a twenty-four month period of field research among the Bajau, specifically with the Bajau of southern Sulu. There are only a few of these boat dwellers left within the Mergui Islands, Celebes and Sulu. This book covers, in-depth, the Tawi-Tawi Island group and the Sibutu Island group. The Sibutu Island group is found twenty miles southwest of Tawi-Tawi. These groups have been depicted as wanderers because of their movements over time. There will be some insight into this untrue notion. The Sibutu Island group has left their boats to build homes on land. These people still use boats for fishing but now prefer to live on land rather than the sea. This paper will attempt to go over these changes that the boat dwellers have faced and are facing that have made t! hem more partial to dwelling on land. This paper will also give some insight on the similarities and differences between the boat dwellers and the land dwellers. These similarities and differences include their way of life, modes of subsistence, social and political structure, roles of women, religion, kinship system and their relations with each other as well as the other moorages. There are five different moorages that are recognized by the Bajau. The Bajau represent four percent of the Tawi-Tawi population. The boat-dwelling Bajaus household consists of a nuclear family. If a nuclear family is broken a person is added to make up for the loss. This could entail the head of the household dying and another man comes into to take his place or it could be a family adopting a child to fill the gap. In a turnabout, if a family has to many children than they can afford to take care of or if th...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Thanatopsis

â€Å"Thanatopsis† â€Å"Thanatopsis† written by William Cullen Bryant in 1817, is an explication of death. Thanatopsis, which is Greek for â€Å"meditation on death† (Michael et. al. 712), is an exploration into the ambiguity of death and Bryant attempts to show the relationship between death’s eternal questions and the continuance of the cycle of nature and life. William Cullen Bryant is often described as an early Romanticist who also exhibits some characteristics of earlier types of thinking such as, Calvinism. In this poem, he establishes a clear link between God and Nature through his use of images in relation to; society, destiny, social status and everlasting trust in the afterlife. Although he views these entities from a mainly romanticist viewpoint, the poem also has many underlying attributes to a Calvinistic way of thinking. William Cullen Bryant was born November 3rd, 1794. He was born into a Puritan family yet has was influenced by early English Romantics during his teens and by his father who encouraged him to spend time outdoors and learn from it. He wrote his first draft of â€Å"Thanatopsis† when he was just sixteen years yet the poem wasn’t actually published until 1821, when his first book of poetry, Poems was published (Bryant). Romanticism began in the early 19th century as a way of moving away from the Enlightenment, where everything was based on reason and science. People were consistently trying to explain things in cold, hard facts. What the Romantics were trying to get people to do was do away with that rational, constricted view of life and focus on the â€Å"emotion and sentimental side of humanity† (Romanticism). It was a focus on society as being part of a group rather than individuals clearly delineated by social distinction. In â€Å"Thanatopsis† Bryant expresses theses views in his contemplation of death and sees the beauty in it. He wants society to realize that when one dies they do not die al... Free Essays on Thanatopsis Free Essays on Thanatopsis â€Å"Thanatopsis† â€Å"Thanatopsis† written by William Cullen Bryant in 1817, is an explication of death. Thanatopsis, which is Greek for â€Å"meditation on death† (Michael et. al. 712), is an exploration into the ambiguity of death and Bryant attempts to show the relationship between death’s eternal questions and the continuance of the cycle of nature and life. William Cullen Bryant is often described as an early Romanticist who also exhibits some characteristics of earlier types of thinking such as, Calvinism. In this poem, he establishes a clear link between God and Nature through his use of images in relation to; society, destiny, social status and everlasting trust in the afterlife. Although he views these entities from a mainly romanticist viewpoint, the poem also has many underlying attributes to a Calvinistic way of thinking. William Cullen Bryant was born November 3rd, 1794. He was born into a Puritan family yet has was influenced by early English Romantics during his teens and by his father who encouraged him to spend time outdoors and learn from it. He wrote his first draft of â€Å"Thanatopsis† when he was just sixteen years yet the poem wasn’t actually published until 1821, when his first book of poetry, Poems was published (Bryant). Romanticism began in the early 19th century as a way of moving away from the Enlightenment, where everything was based on reason and science. People were consistently trying to explain things in cold, hard facts. What the Romantics were trying to get people to do was do away with that rational, constricted view of life and focus on the â€Å"emotion and sentimental side of humanity† (Romanticism). It was a focus on society as being part of a group rather than individuals clearly delineated by social distinction. In â€Å"Thanatopsis† Bryant expresses theses views in his contemplation of death and sees the beauty in it. He wants society to realize that when one dies they do not die al... Free Essays on Thanatopsis The poem, â€Å"Thanatopsis,† written by William Cullen Bryant, is a wonderful literary work which explores the often controversial questions of death. Within his well written lines Bryant attempts to show the relationship between death’s eternal questions and the ongoing cycle of nature and life. Upon concluding the poem many readers are able to reaffirm their faith of an afterlife, while others are left aimlessly pondering this strange possibility. Throughout the poem Bryant creates images which connect death and sleep. In fact, once the reader gets halfway through the poem they discover that Bryant uses these words almost interchangeably. In the second stanza he writes, â€Å"All that tread the globe are but a handful to the tribes that slumber in its bosom.† Instead of referring to death he uses the word â€Å"slumber.† These connections continue in a number of places. Other examples include lines 57 and 66. In line 57 he writes, â€Å"In their last s leep the dead reign there alone,† and in line 66, referring to death and burial, Bryant writes, â€Å"And make their bed with thee.† This connection between death and sleep creates an intriguing metaphor which adds depth and meaning to the poem. By using this strange metaphor I believe Bryant wishes to suggest his faith in an afterlife. While examining the differences and similarities of death and sleep the reader is left with some very thought provoking questions. The answers to these questions reassure some readers while confusing others. Sleep is a time of rest. It allows preparation for the next day or event, and by relating this definition to death Bryant gives new insight on one’s fate after earthly existence. When identifying sleep with death Bryant gives death many characteristics of slumber. People generally wake from sleep, and Bryant expands this occurrence to death. Death could simply be a time of rest that retires the bodies’ of earthly beings , and allows the soul to wake....

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Perform the Instant Fire Chemistry Demonstration

How to Perform the Instant Fire Chemistry Demonstration Heres a simple fire chemistry demonstration that produces instant fire without using matches or any other type of flame. Potassium chlorate and ordinary table sugar are combined. When a drop of sulfuric acid is added, a reaction is catalyzed which produces heat, an amazing bright/tall purple flame, and a lot of smoke. Instant Fire Materials Potassium chloratePowdered (confectioners) sugar or table sugar (sucrose)Sulfuric acidSmall glass jar or  test tube Procedure Mix  equal parts potassium chlorate and table sugar (sucrose) in a small glass jar or test tube. Choose a container you dont value, as the demonstration will probably cause it to shatter.Place the mixture in a fume hood and equip lab safety gear (which you should be wearing anyway). To initiate the reaction, carefully add a drop or two of sulfuric acid to the powdered mixture. The mixture will burst into a tall purple flame, accompanied by heat and a lot of smoke.How it works: potassium chlorate (KClO3) is a powerful oxidizer, used in matches and fireworks. Sucrose is an easy-to-oxidize energy source. When sulfuric acid is introduced, potassium chlorate decomposes to produce oxygen:2KClO3(s) heat - 2KCl(s) 3O2(g)The sugar burns in the presence of oxygen. The flame is purple from the heating of the potassium (similar to a flame test). Tips Perform this demonstration in a fume hood, as a considerable quantity of smoke will be produced. Alternatively, perform this demonstration outdoors.Granulated table sugar is preferable to powdered sugar which is, in turn, preferable to reagent grade sucrose. The powdered sugar is capable of smothering the fire, while the granules of the reagent-grade sucrose may be too large to support a ​good reaction.Follow proper safety precautions. Do not store the potassium chlorate and sugar mixture, as it can react spontaneously. Use care when removing the potassium chlorate from its container, to avoid sparking, which can ignite the container. Wear the usual protective gear when performing this reaction (goggles, lab coat, etc.).The Dancing Gummi Bear is a variation on this demonstration. Here, a small quantity of potassium chlorate is carefully heated in a large test tube, clamped to a ring stand over a flame, until it has melted. A Gummi Bear candy is added to the container, resultin g in a vigorous reaction. The bear dances amidst bright purple flames.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Credit Scoring and Its Impact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Credit Scoring and Its Impact - Essay Example It has an important influence on the interest rate incorporated to the borrowed money. With the significance of credit score, knowing it enables an individual to question the accuracy of the score, and as a result, negotiates the best rates with lenders. A credit score is purchased separately and is not a part of a consumer credit report. One may purchase a credit score from a consumer credit reporting agency, who can charge him/her with a reasonable fee.4 Credit scores are used other than determining whether a person will default on a loan or make late payments. Low credit scores are used by usurers in order to identify individuals whom they believe are likely to make claims on their insurance policies. An accurate credit score can enable interest rates be charged on loans and can make a difference on the availability and cost of insurance.5 Mathematics models are used in calculating credit score, which analyzes the creditworthiness of a person. The amount and types of debt that a person owes are considered by the models. The person's repayment history will then be analyzed alongside thousands of other consumers in the credit store. Important factors that determine a consumer's credit score are his/her previous payment behavior, the amount of money he/she owes, the length of time that he/she has held outstanding credit, the type of credit he/she uses, how much credit is available to him/her, and whether there are inquiries from prospective lenders in his/her file.6 The amount of available credit that a consumer is using is one of the most important factors in his credit score. When credit card companies do not report the credit limits on a consumer's account, the consumer's credit scores can be lower tan they should be. This is because most credit scoring systems substitute the highest balance for the missing credit lim it. Since it will appear that he is using all of his available credit, the borrower's credit score will become lower. Thus, it is important that consumers deal only with credit card companies that report credit limits on their accounts.7 Credit scores have varying meaning. The higher the score, the better the credit rating. Generally, a credit score can vary from 300-850, in which most scores fall within the range of 600 and 700. A sub-prime loan, which is a boundary between a standard loan and a higher cost loan, is generally tantamount to a credit score of 620. An easier time to obtain credit and a likewise ability to obtain it on better terms and at a lower cost is the implication of a higher credit score.8 The credit bureau and a model developer need to validate a model that will be utilized for credit scoring. Developers often perform additional validations on independent samples before releasing a model, in order to be assured of the model's predictive capability.9 Pincetich, et al10 suggests that in order that a credit bureau score may be used effectively, it is important that accounts are analyzed to determine how the score relates to a specific situation, such as delinquency or bankruptcy. Although the scoring logarithm remains the same, the performance related to each score may possibly vary according to user. Hence, a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Goal Setting Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Goal Setting - Article Example How to set performance goals is the elite part of the book, that is, it helps the reader to aim and guide performance throughout the year. Such kind of performance enhancing goals provide the opportunity to evaluate employee performance, and it even renders help to recognize the barriers of performance which may hinder the real growth of persons or institutions. The book itself claims that is can â€Å"create a common understanding of expectations, improve one’s ability to track progress all year long and reduce the stress and anxiety associated with performance reviews when the review criteria are fuzzy or vague. To cap it all, one can infer that this book mainly focuses on setting performance goals. Through the work, the author reminds the vital role of careful planning, thoughtful strategy, and the faithful and consistent execution are all factors of success. In order to achieve this, one has to keep a strong determination based on a well planned goal setting. According to him, â€Å"Before actions are taken, a goal must exist.† Here the author regards goal are of two types—personal or professional, or it could be a team’s common purpose which one has to aim at. After reading the book, one realizes that setting goal is not as easy as one thinks. It has an extraordinary power which can make an overall change in one’s business or personal life. Author ends the book by revealing the vital role of discovering the purpose for goals and goal setting in a person’s life and in such away the book attracts the readers. The journal article entitled â€Å"Tips On Setting Goals - Setting Goals Objectives† by Cheryline Lawson gives informative ideas about the process of goal setting. Each and every person has goals that are mental, physical, personal, professional, and economical and family oriented. The article reveals various methods or tips of setting goals. One of the best methods to set goals is to write it down and keep it one’s memory. Finding

Summary of On Racist Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary of On Racist Speech - Essay Example Unfortunately universities have not been able to provide black and other minority students the protection which the Constitution guarantees them. Racism or racist speech is only tackled when it takes the form of face to face harassment or assaulting speech or acts on an individual or small group of persons. The Supreme Court has held that words which " by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace" are not protected by the First Amendment. Blacks and minorities have to be given recourse to the same education, facilities and security all over the campus from every form of racism, harassment, pain, injury and suffering. Against the backdrop of democracy, we should be sure to strike a balance with our concern, for free flow of ideas and the democratic process dependent on that flow and our desire to further the cause of equality. We have to recognize the fact that racial speech inflicts real harm and then with an equal commitment to equality and free speech can we come to some reconciliation. Debating and arguing we risk making the First Amendment an instrument of domination rather than a vehicle of liberation. Courts have, for example, exempted from the protection of the First Amendment obscene speech, speech that disseminates, official secrets, that defames or libels another person, or that is used to form

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Financial Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Accounting - Assignment Example According to the financial indicators, it can be determined that returns on assets and fixed assets of the company have eventually decline during the period. This reflects that company remains inefficient to utilize it assets and fixed assets. the financial information of the company depicts that the 2008 had the highest asset and fixed assets turnover. On the other hand, 2012 is noted to have the lowest assets turnover. Though the profits of the company during the period have increased, this reflects that the company’s has high turnovers on equities. The company remains more efficient in utilizing its equities, rather than its assets. It can also be determined that the company has been more inclined to increase its assets, but its utilization has remained inefficient. Analyzing the financial indictors of the company, it can be concluded the overall profitability of the company has eventually increased, whereas the assets turnover of the company depicts a declining trends duri ng the period. This means that much of the company’s assets remain unutilized, therefore the management shall take appropriate measures to utilize its assets, which shall eventually contribute to the profit margins of the

This is England as British Social Realism Film Research Paper

This is England as British Social Realism Film - Research Paper Example Social Realism in British Films First of all, let us find out what realism in general is. Realism has been defined by Armes: â€Å"In its broadest sense, realism is an attitude of mind, a desire to adhere strictly to the truth, recognition that man is a social animal, and a conviction that he is inseparable from his position in a society† (Armes 17). Artistically, Social Realism is a term that can be applied to the arts in general. Namely, as an artistic movement that found its expression in various arts, social realism focuses portraying issues related to social injustice or racial intolerance, with emphasis on protest against the depicted unjustness often conveyed with the help of satire. It is worth mentioning that social realism in visual and some other arts focuses on the issues related to the life and activity of the working class. In films, social realism is perceived as a style that evolved from the 20th century movement of Italian neorealism. Lay observes that one of the key features of this style is its providing an intricate link between the character and the place to enable exploring a certain aspect of modern life in a way that is very similar to naturalism (Lay 9). According to Williams, the pivotal characteristics of the films/texts representing British Social Realism are: 1) its secular character. In other words, social realist texts are devoid of mysticism and appeal wholly to logic and ability to reason. Consequently, such texts/films come to focus on depicting human truths rather than divine truths 2) the grounding of social issues, characters, and films’ settings in the context of contemporary reality. 3) the social extension aspect. To specify, â€Å"realist texts tend to expand the range of characters to include marginal or previously under-represented groups and issues in society† (Williams 61-74) 4) the intent of the artist that is often politically colored. To illustrate, the filmmaker’s intent in British Soc ial Realism may have reformist, socially purposive, as well as educative underpinnings (Lay 13). As for the contents of the films representing the discussed genre, the latter usually revolve around certain issues and themes. To distinguish between issues and themes within the film referred to as a social realist one, one needs to bear in mind the major difference between them: the issues are of explicit nature – they are easily recognized and visible fears and concerns currently troubling the society; while themes are usually implied and â€Å"hide† within a given text. As Lay rightfully observes, â€Å"Themes work on a much deeper level and represent less obvious threats to social cohesion and stability† (Lay 14). In addition, in terms of its contents, the social realist film will most likely deal with the issues of drugs, poverty, prostitution, sex, alcoholism, as well as crime. All in all, if one were to name the important features of a film representing Brit ish social realism, he/she would probably come up with the following list: realistic portrayal of the society the Britishmen live in Life’s struggles Realistic events, contexts, situations, and realistic settings Filming techniques that may be classified as believable Unknown actors Heroes representing

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Financial Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Accounting - Assignment Example According to the financial indicators, it can be determined that returns on assets and fixed assets of the company have eventually decline during the period. This reflects that company remains inefficient to utilize it assets and fixed assets. the financial information of the company depicts that the 2008 had the highest asset and fixed assets turnover. On the other hand, 2012 is noted to have the lowest assets turnover. Though the profits of the company during the period have increased, this reflects that the company’s has high turnovers on equities. The company remains more efficient in utilizing its equities, rather than its assets. It can also be determined that the company has been more inclined to increase its assets, but its utilization has remained inefficient. Analyzing the financial indictors of the company, it can be concluded the overall profitability of the company has eventually increased, whereas the assets turnover of the company depicts a declining trends duri ng the period. This means that much of the company’s assets remain unutilized, therefore the management shall take appropriate measures to utilize its assets, which shall eventually contribute to the profit margins of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Iroquois theatre fire, chicago, IL, december 30, 1903 Research Paper

Iroquois theatre fire, chicago, IL, december 30, 1903 - Research Paper Example It is one of the tragic incidents which have occurred, where it is not possible to accurately tell the number of the casualties, more than a hundred years later. Although it is in record that 605 people perished during this incident, the number is not accurate, since it depended on the number of bodies that were reported, collectable and mere estimation. However, it is feared that more people may have died during this incident, because the fire could have burnt down other people to ashes (Brandt, 5). The number given is only dependent on the deaths that were reported, while there were many other bodies that were removed from the scene, which were never reported. Therefore, the magnitude of this incident raised alarm over the need to step up the safety measures against fire, for both theatres and other public buildings. There are various reasons as to why the theatre was a popular holiday venue, mostly flocked to capacity in the event of any performance. The location of the theatre was strategic, meant to attract mostly women who were on day trips out of town (Brandt, 12). Secondly, the theatre was constructed in a safe zone, near a shopping district that was patrolled by police at all times. This made the theatre attractive to the people, since they were assured of their safety. Although the theater turned out to be a popular holiday destination in Chicago, it opened later than was scheduled; following some labor unrests and the failure to have its architect complete the drawing in good time (Campbell, 193). Nevertheless, its architectural standard was high, compared to any other theatre in the US at the time, which immediately made it attract large crowds during performances. In its architectural design, the theatre comprised of three different levels where the audiences could watch from, which w ere separated by broad stairways. The two upper audience levels, the dress circle and the gallery were separated from the main floor

New Challenges for Africa and the Islamic World Essay Example for Free

New Challenges for Africa and the Islamic World Essay * Songhai flourished during the 1400s and 1500s, with an empire stretching 1500 miles east to west. (from Gao to the Niger River) a. Timbuktu * Timbuktu became a major center for trans-Saharan trade. Large supplies of gold, ivory, and slaves were sent abroad. * Timbuktu was a major center of Islamic scholarship, in particular because of the Islamic University of Sankore. * Civil war over succession weakened the empire which was then destroyed by Moroccan forces. B. Other West African States * The small Sudanic kingdoms that formed after the fall of Songhai were parts of a closely linked commercial network. * For example, the Dyula moved goods by donkey and canoe, dominating the regional trade. * A few non-Muslim states, including those of the Guinea Coast, had a matrilineal social structure. a. The Kanem-Bornu Kingdom * The Islamic kingdom of Kanem-Bornu prospered from trans-Saharan trade and reached its height under king Idrus Aloma. a. The Hausa and the Trans-Saharan Trade * The Hausa had trade-oriented states in modern-day Chad, eastern Niger, and Nigeria where cotton cloth and leatherwork were manufactured for export. * Islam became dominant, but women continued to play vital social and political roles. b. Trade on the Guinea Coast * A few non-Muslim states, including those of the Guinea Coast and Volta River basin, had a matrilineal social structure, and prospered from mining and trading in gold to the north. c. Europeans in West Africa * Portuguese encountered such large trading centers as the one at Guinala, (Guinea Bissau), where 12,000 men and women met weekly to trade. C. Bantu Trading Cities and Kingdoms (East) * Bantu settlers and Arab immigrants formed the Swahili culture. * The Swahili city-states grew wealthy by trading in African goods to peoples from around the Indian Ocean. a. Trade on the East African Coast * Swahili city-states were parts of the great trading network generally dominated by seafaring Arabs and Indian Muslims. d. The Shona and the Ganda * The Shona exported gold and ivory through the city of Sofala to the Middle East and India. * The Ganda people established the kingdom of Buganda west of Lake Victoria and Buganda dominated the region by the 1700s. e. The Kingdom of Kongo * In the Congo River basin, the Bantu kingdom of Kongo became one of the first great African states to be visited by European explorers. * The kingdoms of Luba and Lunda resisted European power into the nineteenth century. f. The Xhosa and the Zulu * The Xhosa and Zulu were the main Bantu-speaking groups to migrate into southern Africa. D. Africa in the Hemispheric System * Sub-Saharan Africans lacked interregional connections. * Sub-Saharan African was cut off from European and Asian trade. * Marginally fertile soils, scarce exploitable minerals, and few good harbors impeded development in Sub-Saharan Africa. a. Africa the Unknown * West and East Africa supplied gold, ivory, and other commodities to the Middle East and Europe for centuries. * The remaining Amharic Christians in modern-day Ethiopia were surrounded by Muslims and essentially cut off from contact with Europe. g. The Opening of Africa * Europeans set out to penetrate â€Å"Darkest Africa† with the â€Å"light† of the West, while also looking for direct routes to Asian spices and silk. * Africans were shocked and dismayed upon first sighting Europeans. h. The Beginning of the African Slave Trade * Europeans looked for slaves after setting up in the Americas. * Slavery had a long tradition in Africa, which involved Muslim traders. * Europeans already had enslaved their own peoples, though not with a racialized reason. II. EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM AND THE TRANS-ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE * Racism developed from early exploitative relationships forged by Portuguese and Dutch adventurers along the two coasts of Africa and in its southern reaches. A. The Portuguese and African Encounters * By the late 1400s the Portuguese had colonized the Cape Verde Islands and the nearby coastal region of Guinea-Bissau. * They also established a long relationship of cooperation with the prosperous Kongo kingdom of south central Africa and sent Catholic missionaries. a. Bartolomeu Dias and Vasco de Gama * In 1487 Bartholomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope and the Indian Ocean. Vasco da Gama established relations with East African Swahili trading cities. * In India, European goods could not compete with more valuable and finer products from India, China, Indonesia, and Persia. Da Gama had finally located the sea route to the east. * The Portuguese set up a network of trading bases around the Indian Ocean, and tried to limit the activity of their Arab, Ottoman, Persian, and Indian rivals. i. The Portuguese and the Kongo * The Christian King Alfonso I, a Portuguese ally, controlled the Kongo and attempted to emulate Portugal by expansion and modernization. * Slavery soured Portuguese-Kongolese relations. j. Queen Nzinga and African Resistance * After Alfonso’s death, the Portuguese conquered Kongo and Ndongo. Kongolese and Ndongo warriors were no match for Portuguese armies. Queen Nzinga of Ndongo strongly resisted the Portuguese. * Kongolese Christian kings appealed to the Pope to halt the slave raids. The Kongolese kings allied with the Dutch to curb Portuguese influence. Kongo endured civil wars, which led to the capture of more slaves. * Portuguese forces occupied several major Swahili trading cities. They eventually controlled several trading ports from the Persian Gulf to China. They used brutal methods to achieve their ends. k. The Decline of Portuguese Influence * Portuguese influence waned on the East Coast of Africa by the 17th century after they destroyed much of the trade by dissuading merchants to venture to the cities they nominally controlled. * In the late 1600s, Arabs from Oman pushed the Portuguese out. E. New Challenges for the Shona States and Ethiopia (East) * The Portuguese controlled the lower Zambezi Valley in order to dominate the gold trade. * They also moved up the Zambezi River and ended up controlling the largest Shona state of Monomotopa. * They also settled coastal Mozambique and mixed culturally, often through intermarriage. a. Ethiopian Civil War * The Portuguese forces assisted Ethiopians against their Muslim neighbors. * Jesuit missionaries converted Ethiopian king to Catholicism. * Attempts to change the Ethiopian Church did not succeed, and the missionaries and other Portuguese were expelled. F. South Africa and Dutch Colonization * Dutch settlers in Cape Town traded with the Khoikhoi, but then seized their land. They enslaved or killed all the Khoikhoi living near the Cape, then imposed white rule over Africans. * Slaves were imported from Madagascar, Mozambique, and Indonesia. * As the economy developed, Africans and Asians outnumbered whites. a. The Boers and â€Å"trekking† * Some Dutch settlers, or Boers, moved eastward to escape governmental control and look for new land to settle. * The Boers tried to take over Xhosa and Zulu lands. G. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade * Europeans enslaved Africans to fulfill their labor needs in the Americas on plantations and in mines. * Physical differences established racial basis of trans-Atlantic slavery. a. The Slave Trade Expands * West Africa was fragmented, which made it vulnerable to slave trading. The Europeans established trading forts from Senegal to Angola. * The Europeans traded cotton goods, guns, iron, rum, and tobacco for slaves. The Europeans often cooperated with local African chiefs to obtain slaves. * The exact number of enslaved Africans is uncertain, but it probably totaled 25 to 30 million individuals. The trans-Atlantic slave trade reached its peak between 1700 and 1800. l. Horrors of the Middle Passage * Slaves were branded, chained together, and packed into overcrowded slave ships. * Many slaves committed suicide before reaching the Americas, so slavers installed nets along the sides of slave ships to catch jumpers. There were also many attempted mutinies en route. * The majority of slaves were sold to plantations without regard to personal ties. m. Rationalizing the Slave Trade * Europeans justified slavery by claiming that Africans were inherently inferior. * Some Westerners argued that slavery benefited Africans by exposing them to Western culture, values, and religion. H. The Slave Trade and African Societies * Some coastal regions of West and Central Africa succumbed to chronic raiding, kidnapping, and warfare. * Some societies were particularly destabilized when huge numbers were enslaved. * Out of these patterns of human enslavement emerged the Atlantic System. a. The Impact of the Slave Trade on Africa * Some African societies prospered by selling neighboring peoples into slavery. The kings of Benin obtained firearms by trading cotton textiles, pepper, ivory, and beads, and prohibited the sale of male slaves. * States such as Dahomey prospered by cooperating with the slave traders. Coastal regions from Senegambia down to Angola suffered the most (ex. family damage.) * The trans-Atlantic slave trade created economic imbalances that hindered the evolution of local industries, though African societies arguably benefited from the introduction of peanuts and corn. n. Early Imperialism and Colonialism in Africa * Europeans practiced imperialism and colonialism in Africa. * The scramble for Africa intensified with industrialization in Europe. Western industrialization helped end the slave trade, but accelerated the need for African natural resources.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Role Of Women In Things Fall Apart English Literature Essay

Role Of Women In Things Fall Apart English Literature Essay In telling an African story, it is impossible to do so without mentioning the women who take part in many of the activities in a society. This is why different stories bring out women and their roles in the society although the stories may not be talking about a woman as the main character. Things fall apart is no different in bringing out the role of the women in a traditional African setting. Women play pivotal roles in Educational, Religious and Social care in the book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. In Things fall apart, women are featured as the main childrens educators. They do these by telling them stories, teaching them the ethics of socializing with other people and good behavior especially to the girl child, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦children sat around their mothers cooking fire telling storiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, (Achebe 25). The children are taught good values and morals by their parents and in this case, their mothers, who encourage them to develop social values and good interaction skills. The woman was regarded as an inferior object in the society but this did not turn her down from performing her societal roles especially that of being the educator of the children. The upbringing of a child is what determines what the child will be in the future. In the Ibo community, the rearing of a child was solely the role of the woman who was supposed to make sure that the child was well conversant with the customs and rules of the society. The knowledge of the societal norms was all of importance to the mother as she needed to educate the children about them. This was to avoid situations where the child would be in trouble for dishonoring the highly regarded goddesses or leaders of the community which would be a disgrace to the family especially the father who would put the blame on the mother and possibly beat her. Therefore, in a society which is dominated by men, the woman had to be very careful about the reputation the man would have in the society if certain unfortunate things happened may be from the behavior of the children or herself which is the reason why mother education to the children was important. The womans reputation depended on that of t he man which was important for the woman to protect. The women were also involved in religious matters and this can be presented in various ways. The women belonged to the religion of Ibo. They regularly played the part of the priestess. In the early days, a woman by the name of Chika is seen as a priestess. She is the former priestess of the oracle during Unokas time. This woman was very powerful and respected by the people (Achebe 17). Thus she portrays the role of women in religious matters. Currently, Chielo is the priestess who is also the hills and caves oracle, She was the priestess of Agbala, the Oracle of the Hills and the caves, (Achebe 35). In other words, women are seen taking a great part in religion in the community, for instance, as priestesses. The woman is seen to have a lot of religious power. This is evident when Chielo, a religious woman, orders and threatens Okonkwo to surrender himself and his daughter to Agbala who wished to see her. After she warns him, Okonkwo gives in to the idea. Women in this case are seen as powerful spiritual leaders who can warn and order their followers in order to do the right thing that is expected of them by the religion and in this case in the society of Ibo. Ani was the goddess of the earth. She was responsible for making sure that the society observed the right conduct and morals. Ani worked closely with the dead clan members who had their bodies committed to the earth (Achebe 36). The community also believed that they had to honor the earth goddess for blessings in order to have their yam crops grow. This was done by the members of the clan who had to strictly observe the peace week before the harvests (Achebe 30). The woman is seen to have such great spiritual power, honor and respect which are beneficial to the society and which must be respected in order for something good to happen like plenty harvests. The clan members are greatly worried about having such little harvests when the peace of the earth goddess, Ani, is broken by Okonkwo when he battered his wife. Wife battering was not allowed on the peace week (Achebe 30). The women were also involved in solving problems of a social nature. The mother acts as the comfort not only to children but also to other men who have problems. The workforce consisted of a lot of women. They performed many strenuous tasks that were only separated for them and that men could not perform. Painting of Egwugwus house was done by women (84).They were also supposed to entertain the children at all times and make them grow in an artistic manner (EmenyoÃÅ' ²nu and Uko 178). The woman is seen as a powerful object that is able to encourage people when feeling low and demotivated. When the men face some social problems like neglect, the woman acts to encourage them. Thus, it is said that the mother is a superior being who does not abandon her children in all situations in life, for instance Okonkwo who is rejected after killing the son of Ezeudu. It is believed that a male child is his fathers only when life seems to be flowing well but when in trouble, it his mothers. This is better depicted by the uncle of Okonkwo who then persuades him to go back to his mother as she will accept him at all situations. Despite all this the mother does not judge or discriminate them. The woman is considered to be the forgiving and understanding being who can never reject or look down upon anyone and who will provide help whenever she can. This is a very important role. There are two marriages that are talked about that the writer uses them to show the meaning of having a woman in the Igbo society. They are the makers of a home, the prospecting mothers, and people who help men in certain tasks. In any man-woman relationship, children are the most important and valuable gifts that they can be given which is not different in this community where the woman is considered as an important part of the family bearing process (EmenyoÃÅ' ²nu and Uko 176). Although in an indirect manner, the importance of a woman and in this case, the first wife in the Ibo society is portrayed in a celebration held at the Obi of Nwakibie whereby the other wives are not allowed to drink wine before her arrival (Achebe 22). The first wife is thus shown special respect and recognition in the Ibo community. The name Agbala in the Ibo community means a woman or a title less man. In his early childhood, Okonkwo felt disrespected when called the name Agbala as the peers were teasing him and more so his father who was seen as a weakling. This really tormented him and made him become obsessed with consideration of social status above everything else. Okonkwo struggled so much never to be associated with anything weak as anything weak was likened to a woman and vice versa. Nwoye who is the son of Okonkwo from his first wife is also insulted by being viewed as woman-like just because Okonkwo is reminded of his father when he sees him. In this context we see the woman being looked down upon by the whole Ibo community as a weak being. The men who are not courageous and violent are also seen to be as weak as women meaning that the societys perception of women is that of a person who is not strong and is weak (Whittaker and Msiska 64). The woman is generally looked down upon. We see Okonkwo being punished for disrupting the peace of the earth goddess but not for buttering his wife. To them wife buttery is not a crime as according to the society, the woman is only there to give birth, to perform house chores and cook for the husband and also to be beaten. This is just how cruel the man is (Whittaker and Msiska 65). The story was written in the times when the only important being in the society was seen as the man and not the woman. The children who turned out to be disgraceful to the society were all demeaned and likened to a woman. To add to this, the woman would be blamed for poor upbringing of the children as that was solely considered as her role (Okpewho 34). The story however shows some respect for few female figures that seem to be very significant to the society, for instance, the women spiritual leaders. The respect shown to them is not because they are women but because the society demands that they be respected for their important roles in divine intervention. The women also show strong leadership, power and prowess in their work (Okoye 45). Although the woman is not the main character in this story, it is clear that she plays a big role and cannot be ignored when talking about the story. The roles discussed above show clearly that the woman plays a pivotal role in Educational, Religious and Social issues.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Colonialism in Jackie Chan Films Essay -- Movie Film Essays

Colonialism in Jackie Chan Films    For over 20 years Jackie Chan has been the biggest action star in most of the world. First becoming popular in his native Hong Kong in the early 80s, his popularity slowly spread across the globe, and finally hit the U.S. with the 1996 release of Rumble In The Bronx (1994.) Since then Chan has made three highly successful films with American studois and several more with the Hong Kong studio Golden Harvest. He is easily one of the most recognizable Asian movie stars or all-time. Jackie Chan’s movies are famous for their over-the-top stunts and hilarious-but-amazing fight scenes, so much so that the actual plots of the films are sometimes forgotten. However, if one looks past the all the fights and laughs present in almost all of Jackie Chan’s films and just examines the stories behind them, an odd set of recurring themes soon make themselves present. Many of Chan’s best and most well-known works are attacks on colonialism and racism, not just in Hong Kong, but al so across the world. At the same time Chan is making these rather blatant anti-colonial films, other films of his seem to be defending colonialism while reinforcing negative stereotypes about the Chinese people and even other races. Some of his films even seem to do both, attack and defend colonialism, at the same time. It is my goal to show that the majority of Jackie’s films, especially his more recent work, all deal heavily with themes of colonialism and racism, whether it is good or bad, and that this has to do greatly with Hong Kong’s relationship with Europe and America. I will also attempt to show, that while Jackie has begun to make films in America, his anti-colonialism, and to some extent his anti-European and anti-American vi... ..., the most obvious being that Britain no longer has control of Hong Kong, China does. Whether this will translate into more anti-Chinese films to be made is unknown, but it is likely that Jackie Chan will continue to find complex message about race and colonialism in his films, regardless of where they are made, even if they may not be as strong as they were in the past.    Works Cited Logan, Bey. Hong Kong Action Cinema. New York: Overlook, 1996. Hsiao-peng Lu, Sheldon, ed. Transnational Chinese Cinemas. Hawaii: University Of Hawaii Press, 1997. Chan, Jack and Jeffy Yang. I Am Jackie Chan. New York: Ballantine Books, 1999. Fore, Steve"Life Imitates Entertainment: Home and Dislocation in the Films of Jackie Chan." In Esther Yau, ed., At Full Speed: Hong Kong Cinema in a Borderless World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001, 115-42.      

Friday, October 11, 2019

T.S Elliot: Threatening Women :: essays research papers fc

Threatening Women   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A reoccurring theme in much of Eliot’s poetry is the figure or figures of threatening women. Eliot includes his intimidation of women in a lot of poetry he writes. However, with some of his later poetry his feeling towards women changes. He goes from fearing them and feeling threatened to almost celebrating them. When comparing his work in â€Å"The Wasteland† to his work in â€Å"Marina† you can definitely sense a change in his feelings. Could this change in his poetry be a result of his estranged relationship with his first wife and the beginning of a happy one with his second? Being that a lot of his poetry was based on his relationships with women this notion is quite possible when delving further into the meaning of his poetry. Eliot’s usage of threatening women in his poetry changes as his relationships with women changes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To get a better understanding of this one must understand the relationship between Eliot and the women in his life. Vivien Haigh-Wood was his first wife. He met Vivien in 1915 and married her that same year. Neither of their parents knew of the courtship. She was of the English upper-middleclass. She was very intelligent and lively, but she was also very unstable, unknown to Eliot. From the start neither one of them could understand the other (T.S Eliot par.7). Vivien was extremely controlling and jealous, and embarrassing to take out socially. She drained Eliot with her constant illness and nearly drove him to a nervous breakdown (par. 9). Vivien was in and out of mental hospitals from 1928 and on. Then in 1932 Eliot was offered a job lecturing at Harvard. He saw this as his chance out of his unhappy marriage. So he went to the United States and filed for a legal separation from Vivien (par.13). In 1947 Eliot was shattered by the news that Vivien had passed away in a private mental hospital (par.15). Eliot met his next love interest in 1949. She was his secretary at Fabres, her name was Valerie Fletcher. After working with her for 8 years he finally proposed in 1956 (T.S Eliot par.17). They were married in 1957. Valerie was only 30 and Eliot was 68. Not many of his friends stopped him from this happiness. He told friends, â€Å"I am the luckiest man in the world.† He was very jolly during this time in his life (par.

Comparison: Hector in Iliad vs. Hector in Troy

Heroes possess five timeless qualities. They are always willing to accept a challenge, they are courageous, self-sacrificing, they can overcome struggle with strength and dignity, and they have superior yet human qualities. Over different eras, other qualities that are attributed to heroes change based on society’s changing morals and ethics. The two versions of Hector display the many differences between the Greeks perspective on heroes and the modern contemporary perspective on heroes.To begin with, it is implied that modern heroes are sympathetic and do not love to kill, while heroes in Greek perspectives love basking in glory over defeat of any of their enemies. Hector in the Iliad gloats over the sight of dying Patroclus, taunting him in his last moments alive, whereas Hector in Troy is remorseful when he finds out that it was not Achilles who he fought. He kills Patroclus to stop his suffering and says that it is enough fighting for one day, even though the war has just barely begun. This shows how modern heroes are dutiful to their cause, while not truly liking the violence involved.On the other hand, heroes in Greek perspectives are shown to be individuals who lust to kill and feel no compassion as long as they achieve victory. This ties into how the respect shown towards rivals differs greatly from one time period to another. Hector in the Iliad does not show respect to his enemies, therefore continuously taunting Patroclus. This is unlike Hector in the film who displays his respect for Patroclus by killing him. Hector’s respect in the modern version versus his lack of respect is evidence as to how heroes were believed to feel after defeating their enemy.Finally, these versions show that heroes by Greek definitions are opportunists, while modern heroes will complete a task through their own physical power. Hector in the Iliad is presented as an opportunist, diving in to kill Patroclus after Apollo has already injured him. This is unlike H ector in the film who fights Patroclus all on his own. This shows how the dependency of heroes has changed over time. Even though there are many differences between the perspectives of the Greeks and the modern contemporary, there are also quite a few similarities.First of all, both versions of Hector are displayed as fierce individuals. We can see this from the Hector in the Iliad through the diction used when describing him stabbing Patroclus. Their situation is compared to one of a lion and a tireless wild boar, where the â€Å"lion beats him down with sheer brute force as the boar fights for breath (Line 963-964). † By comparing Hector to such a tough animal and using â€Å"sheer brute force† when explaining how he stabbed Patroclus, his strength is shown. As well, showing that Hector has defeated a â€Å"wild boar† also contributes to showing his superiority.In Troy, just by his leadership and methods of fighting, one can see that he is very powerful. In ad dition, both are very loyal to their cities. They fight with courage and stay focused toward their goal. Even if Hector in the film commands the war to be over for the day, he still knows he has to be faithful to his city and fight again. Hector in the Iliad being the opportunist that he is, also shows his loyalty by finishing off his enemies with pride. All in all, through observing the attitudes and behaviors of the two versions of Hector, it is easy to interpret how these time periods felt about heroes.All heroes possess five timeless qualities in addition to other qualities which are believed to be important during their own time period. Sometimes, one may see that these qualities are quite similar, and other times, they are the exact opposite of each other. In conclusion, descriptions of heroes are created by looking at what will appeal to the readers or viewers based on morals and ethics valued during that time. For this reason, the two versions of Hector possess some of the s ame qualities, but also some very different ones.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Purpose of an Operating System

CPU and memory requirements are the most glaring but even hard rive partition size and what kind of disc drive present matters. Within the generations of Windows there is a long list of features that separate them. Windows XP was introduced with personalized start menu options per user using the PC. XP was the first Windows SO to self-adjust the task spacing as the user opened more programs. Windows Vista introduced Area, Sidebar, and Gadgets in an effort to enhance the users experience but also to make it easier to interact with the main system through the mini-application based Gadgets.Simple services like displaying pictures, turning wireless on or off, ND music playback were available that prior to Vista required a running program. Windows 7 further enhances the user experience with modification to Windows explorer and how it organizes the files and folders in an easier to use format. The use of Libraries enables the SO to index files by content and therefore able to group in a w ay where the user is able to locate a file even if the file is saved in an unrelated folder. The second largest of the major ASS is used exclusively by Apple.Mac SO is a proprietary system that has a very strict requirement for what hardware will work with the system. Despite the hardware limitations to only Intel Cups and approved motherboards, it remains a huge favorite to certain groups of users like multimedia designers, graphic artists, and music producers. One potential reason for this is because Apple was the first to utilize a simple a graphical user interface (GU') therefore making it easier to use the system instead of driven by often hard to use and complex DOS commands.With later versions of Mac like SO X, various technologies, such as Anti-Aliasing and Colors are used to dramatically improve the user interface. Another difference is that a user can pen PC files like . Doc and . AXIS within Mac without problem, while Windows requires conversion software to open Mac files . By doing this, Apple has in effect broken down many important barriers while the average PC user has resisted in adopting a Mac over a PC. Despite some advantages, Mac usage is low, roughly 10% or lower of the entire computer market in the U.S. The smallest market share among the ASS belongs to Linux. Users have been slow to adopt it since its inception in October of 1991 by Lines Dorval. Despite little use by average users, there exists many a version or distributions which ghastly dominate the area of computers known as servers, main frames, and super computers. Linux is also the system of choice on much smaller devices like phones and tablets. What makes Linux exciting to use for some is also what keeps most users away; Linux has splintered to over 300 variations.Most are specialized for the devices which it is meant to be installed on, but even for use for the mass market of users there are still four major variations such as Bunt, Use, Red Hat, and Knops. Common trait within Linux is that it has a very small footprint compared to larger ASS like Windows. For computer enthusiasts, one can run a distribution of Linux on hardware that is otherwise vastly outdated or run alongside Windows on the same computer.Another advantage of Linux is the well-established and openly accessible documentation on the commands but also how to configure the System best for the user or the use of the SO as well as how to troubleshoot issues. For software hobbyists and professionals this means that they can basically tailor the system to their needs and cut the dependence on what Microsoft or Apple may offer. Because of the open source nature of the SO, they can both upload fixes and receive enhancements from other users and the committees that oversee Linen's development.Despite the differences between operating systems a common thread among them is that they help shape the user experience of a computer. By doing so it enhances our desire to continue using computers and their many benefits. Without development of operating systems things such as modern day networks or communications wouldn't be possible. Since new technologies are constantly bringing us new and better hardware, it's the operating system and its development that will continue to encourage the user to ultimately enjoy the device.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Public health nurse interventions and recommendations Assignment

Public health nurse interventions and recommendations - Assignment Example Most are poisoned at around their homes when they are exposed to lead-contaminated dust at harmful levels, deteriorated lead- based paint and also contaminated soil. To control lead poisoning, local advocates can target potential hot spots for lead poisoning, educate people and also policy makers on the extent and severity of lead poisoning and use the media in advocacy. The affected state should connect with lead poisoning prevention advocacy groups to make assist each other in fighting against lead poisoning. Also by learning on the number of affected children’s and collecting their blood samples will assist in making of policies meant for control of lead poisoning. Superfund sites have been ranked as the worst toxic waste sites. Around 11 million people in US and 3-4 million children live within the outcasts of federal superfund site making it a potential health risk. Most of the states have been affected by poor air quality due to smog and soot caused by six ubiquitous pollutants. Over 170 million people in America live in areas where federal air quality standards are not met. This poses them to health risks of heart and lung diseases and premature deaths. They lead to depletion of ozone layer and triggers asthma attacks. To curb the problem, the government should impose laws and regulations governing the industries in need to purify their wastes before releasing them to the environment. The water quality remains a challenge in the US even if waterways has become cleaned and discharged as well as sewage treatment has been controlled. The industrial wastes should be treated before being discharged into the water. Animal wastes produced by the intensive livestock operations with more firms have readily contributed to pollution. Proper animal wastes treatment practices should be adequate to protect water and environment

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Easy Jet Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Easy Jet Airlines - Essay Example The CEO - Stelios is known for exceptional decision-making and problem-solving skills (including correct analysis, comparison of alternatives, and selecting best alternative), Value driven; possesses qualities of honesty and integrity, Takes initiative and plans accordingly (includes planning, organizational, and time and conflict management skills), Holds accountability for actions, Knowledge in given field, Observant and reacts to employee/customer needs, Effectively assumes responsibility and rewards/punishes accordingly, Promotes team-building and relationship building. Stelios, founder and CEO of easyJet Airlines, want to offer low cost airlines to its customer & to become leader in airline industries. He believed that in order to be successful, it was important to be first to market and to saturate the geographic market. The main issue with the easyJet is that due to monopoly of European Airline Industry, it is very difficult to become the global leader in Airline Industry. Due to monopoly of European airlines, easyJet airlines are not able to enter in to the European countries. For that Stelios had done a lot of efforts to attract passengers towards easyJet. He offered low cost tickets, easy ticketing procedure through internet or phone call, and also he purchase some front seat tickets of an European airlines and send his employee in a uniform that is advertising for Easy Jet. It means some passengers traveling in an European airlines are advertising for Easyjet Airlines. To succeed successfully in the airline industry, a company must be led by a visionary leader with good decision making skills. The leader must be in-line with the organizational culture, promoting a favorable internal environment. In order to become the global leader, Stelios, founder & CEO of jet Airlines tries his hand in other business in 1999. Among his pet projects was the creation of a cyber cafà © business called easyEverything cafà ©. easyEverything will provide internet at lower cost (Less than a phone

Monday, October 7, 2019

Examining Emotions, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction Case Study

Examining Emotions, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction - Case Study Example Their effective leadership structure has been illustrated through providing employment opportunities to individuals who possess ambitious and adventurous skills. Moreover, the grocery store provides a cool atmosphere for both its employees and customers. The store hires its managers from within hence; leadership management is maximized since the managers have experience in effectively managing the store. Trader Joe’s ensures that it boosts and maintains its employees by providing them with higher pay rates compared to employees’ pay rates of the competing stores. Trader Joe is able to control successfully real estate costs through purchasing small stores and avoiding prime locations due to high competition. The store also controls products’ costs by implementing the â€Å"one in, one out† policies, which ensures that low-profit products are replaced by high selling products. The store maintains a good customer relationship by listening and acting according to the customers’ preferences. For instance, they remove a product from the shelves when customers give negative reviews concerning the product. The store also maintains a good employee-customer relationship to ensure that it holds a firm grip on its loyal and new customers. For instance, customers can be directed to employees to get their views concerning a certain product. Employees are encouraged to taste the store’s products in order to provide honest reviews concerning the products. Customers are more likely to make choices when provided with a limited number of options compared to a wider variety of option. Trader Joe’s, take advantage of this psychological behavior by controlling the stock of its products; it holds about 2000 products in its store compared to 25,000 to 45,000 products in neighboring supermarkets. The scarcity strategy benefits both the store and its customers since the store is able to make double products sales

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Emergency plan Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Emergency plan - Thesis Example They might come as a result of: terrorism, strong tornado, a passenger airplane crash, major highway accident and hazardous material release (Dr. K. Qureshi, 2005). If one of these incidents happens, there should be an emergency plan put in place to respond to this call. Generally, this involves the county emergency department in the U.S. Every county has a unit to respond to these calls. These standard operation procedures outline how to manage and respond to incidents that are different than the normal response system (Graham, 2010). These procedures are applicable for EMS incidents involve more than four ALS units to provide assistance and patient care. The main objectives of this units is to minimize human suffering, disabling injuries and most important minimize loss of life (Downey, Andress, & Schultz, 2013). Another objective is to provide integrated and adequate resources required to mobilize teams and units to manage casualties effectively, while maintaining the resources an d capability to respond to other situations within the community (Gordon, 2002). In creation of this plan, the first stage should be establishing of the incident Command System (ICS) (Frykberg, 2002). This organization is to manage resources in response to state objectives and in relation to the incident. Respecting each organizations jurisdiction and command should be a mandate to any team involved (Maurer, 2009). The incident command should consider identifying the Medical Branch with its Medical Branch Director and a Resource Assembly Point (RAP) (Socha, 2002). The Medical Branch Director should ensure safety of the scene for both responders and patients, and also coordinate with other groups to provide additional resources and equipment, establish triage, decontamination, rescue and extraction, treatment and transportation (Risavi, Terrell, Lee, & Holsten, 2013). This process may be

Saturday, October 5, 2019

How should U.S. define its security interests and implement a plan for Essay

How should U.S. define its security interests and implement a plan for advancing them in the Middle East, Whats the Army's role in U.S. Strategy - Essay Example It is important to note that the model for fighting terrorism in the modern times involves the use of the influence that the US has on other nations as well as the national power. This means that the US employs military power, financial intelligence, diplomatic power and law enforcement operations to protect their home country and promote their defenses, deprive the terror groups off the resources that are required for their activities and end their terror activities. Their strategy should focus on getting a better understanding of the enemy. From the start, the US had acknowledged the fact that the war against terror involves understanding the nature of the terrorist factions in the Middle East region, where they get their strength and resources from (Serena 48). This will contribute positively to their strategy in bringing terror activities to an end as well as fighting the deep-rooted ideologies that result in the establishment of such groups. It has been observed that the US has made significant steps in fighting terrorism in the region by capturing some of the masterminds behind such groups. It should not relent in its efforts to establish effective democratic organizations in the region and work towards establishing human liberty in the region. The foreign aid approach should be employed towards promoting the US interests in the Middle East (Keegan 57). This is because the war torn nations require funds to establish democratic institutions as well as settle its citizens in safe environments. In this way, the US can find a lasting solution for the Middle East. The army is at an important point. This is due to the fact that in the past years it has channeled its processes and resources in two major wars which evolved into stability and counterinsurgency operations. This led to the adoption of the Army Force Generation framework, refocused

Friday, October 4, 2019

Global war wine Essay Example for Free

Global war wine Essay The global wine industry is being influenced by a number of factors including consumer demand and changes in the way wine is produced and sold. There has been a shift in the perception of wine in the past half-century as consumers and producers have migrated away from the Old World philosophies to the modern-thinking the New World has brought about. By the 1990’s the average consumer’s palate changed especially here in the U. S. where consumers were more apt to look for the premium ($7-14) and super-premium (+) wines. By this time, there was a drop in consumption in countries that traditionally consumed a great deal (France, Italy, Spain, Argentina, and Chile) while demand in other countries increased (U. K. , Canada, Belgium, and some Asian countries). Wine consumption was now becoming truly â€Å"global† and New World producers had the means to handle demand. Shipping overseas was now a cost-effective way to transport wine around the globe allowing consumers even more choices of quality wines. Therefore, one of the most important factors in how the wine industry is changing is in the education of the wine consumer. And consumers now can look at a bottle of wine and tell the type of wine and the region they came from along with the date bottled. 2. How did the French become the dominant competitors in the increasingly global wine industry for centuries? What sources of competitive advantage were they able to develop to support their exports? Where were they vulnerable? French wine producers became the dominant competitor as a result of four reasons. First, their geographic and climatic featuresplayed significant role. As France is in the middle of Europe culture with suitable climate and soilcondition for harvesting grape, had accrued first-mover advantage and established its place as thedominant competitor in the global wine industry. Second, they became the first high-quality winemarket and gained a lot experience. Especially, the negociantstraded wine between France and othercountries and this worked as word-of-mouth effect, increasing the reputation and dominance of Frenchwine. Third, they used the latest innovations such as mass production of glass bottles, the use of cork stoppers and pasteurization. These innovations increased the stability and longevity of wine whichallowed the transportation of wine to distant places, and birth of global wine market. Lastly, the government support made significant effect on the reputation and improvement of French wineindustry. The sources of competitive advantage that they were able to develop to support their exports is to keen to taste and tradition in the production of wine (strongly tight to the French culture), artistic and historical talent and expertise in wine making and well located as to the high demand markets such as England,.. The main vulnerable aspects of French wine industry were highly fragmented vineyard and wine production, increasing vineyard prices per acre, complex distribution and sales system, long multilevel value chain, risk of bad weather and disease; and poor roads and complex toll and tax system. Also, they lack of rational assessment of their place comparing to other countries and they do not have any marketing plan or strategy.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Comparing Owen and Women Writers Poems

Comparing Owen and Women Writers Poems Owen was an English poet whose work was characterised by his anger at the cruelty and waste of war, which he experienced during service on the Western Front. Edited by Sassoon and published in 1920, Owens single volume of poems contain some of the most poignant English poetry of World War One, including Dulce et Decorum Est and Anthem for Doomed Youth. One way Owen conveys the experience of war is by making people aware that the actual horrors of war were hidden behind propaganda. He conveys this very well in Dulce et Decorum Est My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori. This is one of the most memorable lines of Owens poetry. It translates from Latin to: It is sweet and right to die for ones country. This was a phrase repeated in schools and churches and homes and political circles to entice young men to embrace patriotic fervour and enlist in the military. The true nature of war was concealed and they went off to war like the soldier in Disabled young, naive, full of dreams and completely unprepared for the carnage and complexity, half his lifetime lapsed in the hot race. This completely dismantles the myth that war is glorious and young men should die on their nations behalf. The verses before the last lines of Dulce et decor um est implies that the war was a surreal war of horror, nightmare, and pain. This single poem of Owens is enough to convey to the reader just how terrible WWI was, and how far removed the actuality of battle was from idealism and heroism. The Falling Leaves Margaret Cole says I saw the brown leaves dropping from their tree by connecting the leaves to the soldiers she is linking the inevitability of the soldiers deaths to the inevitability of the leaves falling from the tree. This shows that, like Owen, Margaret believes that the propaganda is misleading and although she thinks the soldiers are brave gallant multitude she thinks they are being brave for the wrong reasons, just like Owen. Owen, again, reveals the lies of propaganda in Disabled Some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer Goal Owen is implying that no one appreciates the protagonist and his work, Owen implies that he is forgotten and that he is not the hero he thought he would be and the propaganda misled him comple tely. Another way Owen conveys the experience of war is by highlighting how the soldiers are not appreciated as there are loads of soldiers and an individual is not going to be remembered for what a vast mass has done even if that individual has lost a part of him for the war. One of the reasons why Disabled is such a strong and memorable poem is how much it resonates with the reader. The young protagonist is realistic, relatable. He could be any one of the young men who joined the war for glory and did not stop to contemplate the sacrifices required, and who returned home very different physically or psychologically from his former self. He spends much of the poem reminiscing about the days before the war when he was heroic and beloved, as well as physically whole. He joined the war for seemingly silly reasons, and Owen condemns how easy it was for such a naive boy to lie about his age and enlist. Now he will never feel again how slim Girls waists are, or how warm their subtle hands, All of them touch him like some queer disease. The quote shows how the boys greatest regret now is that he will not be attractive to women. He does not lament his lack of glory or awards, but that his life back at home will be incomplete and unfulfilling. This is a pitifully sad and universal fear for young men of all wars and all eras. The protagonist doesnt think he is a whole person men that were whole he is abandoned, uncared for, isolated, forgotten as he is not really a man. Margaret Cole similarly writes about this issue in The Falling Leaves I saw the brown leaves dropping from their tree this implies that the soldiers deaths are trivial, just like Owen did, as she is implying that in this poem the leaves are soldiers and not many people care if a multitude of leaves fall off a tree they just carry on with their lives as if nothing happened. Margaret Cole is implying that the after effects of the soldiers are trivial to society. Anna Gordon-Keown differs in the way she conveys t he experience of war. In Reported Missing Anna writes about a mother who has recently received news that her son has been reported missing while he was fighting in the war. Anna conveys the mother to be grieving heavily, and also in denial of the sons death, This heart would never beat if you were dead.. The fact that the mother is in so much distress really implies that the death of one soldier can mean the emotional death of many. Owen also highlights how the soldiers are being controlled in Anthem for Doomed Youth What passing-bells for those who die as cattle?ÂÂ   Only the monstrous anger of the guns.. This poem suggests that the young men fighting in the war die nameless and faceless like animals. They are denied the dignity of proper funerals and burials in many cases, and are not afforded the rituals and traditions of those who die under normal circumstances. They must be content with the sounds of guns and rifles as their bells and choirs. Owen also expresses sympathy with the women back at home who mourn their fallen sons, husbands, and brothers, but has little to comfort them. War disrupts the patterns and norms of life, and, clearly, of death. Owen also highlights how soldiers are being controlled in Dulce et Decorum Est where Owen says Men marched asleep this implies that the soldiers are simply going to war for the sake of it and are being blinded by their false hope of being a hero not ration ally thinking of the consequences to soon follow. In conclusion, Owen is (rightfully) very infuriated with practically everything to do with war and he didnt like how it was portrayed. He has first-hand experience with the horrors of war but the women writers dont so they can only write about what they have heard (or have been fed) so the ways they convey war are sometimes quite different.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Free College Essays - The Character of Achilles in Homers Iliad :: Iliad essays

The Character of Achilles in  Homer's Iliad The story of Homer's Iliad actually centers around the "rage of Achilles, contrary to popular belief. At first thought or reading the epic poem seems like its main theme is utlimately the totality and gruesomness of war. In reality it is an ancient "Saving Private Ryan" in that it tells us of the raw details of war without any lack of description and information. However this ultimate devistation and emotion of the actual fighting and Trojan War is not the main focal point of this heroic tale. The real story centers on one awesome fighter, man, and hero--that man is Achilles. Achilles shows the greatest military prowess of any of the Achaean ranks and has the greatest fighting ability of all of the warriors, Trojan or Achaean. At the beginning of Homer's tale Achilles becomes disenfranchised from the rest of his fellow warriors and chooses to retreat back to his own ships of Myrmidons and refuses to fight for the Achaean cause against the Trojans. Not only is Achilles plauged and troubled by problems with his fellow soldiers, but he ultimately must face the fact that he has chosen to live a short and glorious life, as opposed to his other option of a long and blase life. Achilles knows that he must ultimately die in the heat of battle and gain great fame for doing so--if he actually existed and the story is true in this respect then he certainly has ascertained immortal fame in the pages of Homer's tale. Achilles eventually returns to fight on the side of the Achaeans, but not because of anything Agamemnon offers to him in order to get him to return to the fighting. Achilles' best friend and essential "soul-mate", Patroclus, is slain at the hands of the mighty Hector of Troy. Achilles is hence distraught at this happening and therefore goes to wreak his own havoc with the life of Hector to gain revenge. He manages to eventually kill many Trojans and then finally after chasing Hector several times around the city of Troy, slays him and desecrates his body by dragging him excessively as somewhat of an artifice to get his stored up hate, anger, and fear out.

Evidence Of Technological Change :: essays research papers

The early evidence on the importance of technological changes a source of the shifts in the relative demand for different types of labor during the 1980s came from case studies. The Bureau of labor Statistics conducted several case studies of the effects of changes in production processes in particular industries (Mark, 1987). In an industry that experienced a significant change in technology, the usual pattern was a dramatic reduction in the employment of production workers with an increase or no change in the number of skilled workers in that industry. More recently there have been several econometric analyses of the effects of variables like the (appropriately lagged) rate of investment in computers and/ or other forms of â€Å"information capital† and the ratio of expenditures on research and development to sales on changes in the skill composition of industries (for examples, Berman, Bound and Griliches, 1994). The results of these studies are consistent with those of the case studies and the hypotheses that the recent technological change has shifted the relative demand for skilled labor to the right.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Changes in production techniques have widened across the country quickly, especially the multinational firms. Thus, if technological change is an important determinant of relative demand shifts, one would expect to observe patterns in other industrialized countries similar to those in the United States. Some of the recent studies report results for a variety of old industrialized (OECD) countries that are indeed consistent with the U.S. results (Collechia and Papaconstantinou, 1996; Machin, Ryan and Van Reenan, 1996). These countries vary a great deal with respect to changes in their situations with respect to trade, labor market institutions (like the importance of trade unions), and unemployment. Obviously, the relative demand for skilled labor in each of them is rising rapidly. In my view, it is the fairly strong evidence in favor of the wage inequality and technological change story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A factor that is often cited as the specific issue of the post-1980 is the widespread adoption of computer technology throughout the economy. As mentioned above, the rate of skilled labor has tended to be greatest in those industries with the highest rate of investment in computers. There is also evidence that workers who use computers on the job have, other things constant, higher earnings than those who do not (Krueger, 1993). In my view, it is probably too early to determine that how much of the technological change dues to computers affect wage inequality, but we will know more about the answer to this question in 20 years.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Hauroun and the Sea of Stories Compared to Lord of the Rings

Hauroon and lord of rings Frodo Baggins and Haroun Khalifa are both heroes, both from different stories but have a very similar journey. Frodo Baggins from J. R. R Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings is a hobbit of middle earth who keeps to himself and likes to be alone, he goes on an adventure that changes his life. Haroun Khalifa from Salman Rushdie’s Haroun and the sea of stories is a 10 year old boy living with his father in an imaginary sad city. Both characters go on a journey that changes there life forever, the characters quests have many similar stages to the journey.Both begin there quest with a call to adventure, neither characters are expecting it but both seem eager to go. Both characters battle between good and evil and both characters become masters of two worlds, and achieve apotheosis or god like status and then have the freedom to live. Both heroes are called to the adventure in many different ways, Frodo Baggins is called to adventure during his uncles 111th birthday party when his uncle Bilbo disappears. Bilbo left a gold ring for Frodo so Frodo speaks to the wizard Gandalf who says to keep it safe and not to put it on.Years later the wise wizard Gandalf returns to tell Frodo the ring is extremely dangerous and was forged by the dark lord, Sauron and must be destroyed, that is when his journey began and Frodo begins his journey heading towards Rivendell to talk to the elves about how to destroy it. Haroun is called to his journey when he returns home one day to find out his mother has run away with the upstairs neighbor who has always been critical towards Rashid Khalifas story telling which effects Haroun greatly.Haroun argues with his father about the usefulness of stories and why they are important, this crushes Rashid. Haroun struggles with school due to his mothers absence so his father takes him on a story telling trip for some fancy politics, they travel to the Valley of G and when Rashid goes up to tell a story and nothing come s out, this is Haroun's call to adventure, to help his father. Good VS evil. Thats what fairy-tails and stories revolve around, both Frodo's and Haroun's adventure revolves around it.In Lord of the Rings the evil that Frodo is fighting is the darkness of the ring and the evil that dwells within Mordor. Saruman, the evil wizard tries to make Frodo change from good to evil but did not succeed. In Haroun's story the evil that he fights is someone named Khattam-Shud, Khattam-Shud is polluting or poisoning the stories so they can not be told. Rashid and Haroun travel to the Land of Gup to try and figure out what is going on. They get there and the entire land is preparing for war, the guppies Vs the Chupwalas.The war ends with the victory of the Guppies and they reward Haroun with granting his wish that his father can tell stories again. At the end of each story the heroes reach the stage of apotheosis, Frodo reaches apotheosis when he destroys the ring by throwing it in the lava, all th e evil goes away and the good takes over. Frodo is the master of two worlds the world of the non existent Mordor and the Shire, he is looked at as a king and everyone will forever be grateful for his victory over darkness.Haroun reaches apotheosis after the war ends, he is overwhelmed with joy that his father can tell stories, Haroun returns to the sad city with his father to find that the city is no longer sad, the once forgotten city name has been remembered and when Haroun returns home he finds the last person to be there waiting for him, his mother. Haroun's story ends happily ever after as does Frodo's. Both of the heroes were from a classic fairytale , the stories had a call to adventure, both very different calls to adventure but they both fulfill there goals and reach apotheosis, i guess you can say Haroun and Frodo both lived happily ever after. Hauroun and the Sea of Stories Compared to Lord of the Rings Hauroon and lord of rings Frodo Baggins and Haroun Khalifa are both heroes, both from different stories but have a very similar journey. Frodo Baggins from J. R. R Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings is a hobbit of middle earth who keeps to himself and likes to be alone, he goes on an adventure that changes his life. Haroun Khalifa from Salman Rushdie’s Haroun and the sea of stories is a 10 year old boy living with his father in an imaginary sad city. Both characters go on a journey that changes there life forever, the characters quests have many similar stages to the journey.Both begin there quest with a call to adventure, neither characters are expecting it but both seem eager to go. Both characters battle between good and evil and both characters become masters of two worlds, and achieve apotheosis or god like status and then have the freedom to live. Both heroes are called to the adventure in many different ways, Frodo Baggins is called to adventure during his uncles 111th birthday party when his uncle Bilbo disappears. Bilbo left a gold ring for Frodo so Frodo speaks to the wizard Gandalf who says to keep it safe and not to put it on.Years later the wise wizard Gandalf returns to tell Frodo the ring is extremely dangerous and was forged by the dark lord, Sauron and must be destroyed, that is when his journey began and Frodo begins his journey heading towards Rivendell to talk to the elves about how to destroy it. Haroun is called to his journey when he returns home one day to find out his mother has run away with the upstairs neighbor who has always been critical towards Rashid Khalifas story telling which effects Haroun greatly.Haroun argues with his father about the usefulness of stories and why they are important, this crushes Rashid. Haroun struggles with school due to his mothers absence so his father takes him on a story telling trip for some fancy politics, they travel to the Valley of G and when Rashid goes up to tell a story and nothing come s out, this is Haroun's call to adventure, to help his father. Good VS evil. Thats what fairy-tails and stories revolve around, both Frodo's and Haroun's adventure revolves around it.In Lord of the Rings the evil that Frodo is fighting is the darkness of the ring and the evil that dwells within Mordor. Saruman, the evil wizard tries to make Frodo change from good to evil but did not succeed. In Haroun's story the evil that he fights is someone named Khattam-Shud, Khattam-Shud is polluting or poisoning the stories so they can not be told. Rashid and Haroun travel to the Land of Gup to try and figure out what is going on. They get there and the entire land is preparing for war, the guppies Vs the Chupwalas.The war ends with the victory of the Guppies and they reward Haroun with granting his wish that his father can tell stories again. At the end of each story the heroes reach the stage of apotheosis, Frodo reaches apotheosis when he destroys the ring by throwing it in the lava, all th e evil goes away and the good takes over. Frodo is the master of two worlds the world of the non existent Mordor and the Shire, he is looked at as a king and everyone will forever be grateful for his victory over darkness.Haroun reaches apotheosis after the war ends, he is overwhelmed with joy that his father can tell stories, Haroun returns to the sad city with his father to find that the city is no longer sad, the once forgotten city name has been remembered and when Haroun returns home he finds the last person to be there waiting for him, his mother. Haroun's story ends happily ever after as does Frodo's. Both of the heroes were from a classic fairytale , the stories had a call to adventure, both very different calls to adventure but they both fulfill there goals and reach apotheosis, i guess you can say Haroun and Frodo both lived happily ever after.