Thursday, August 22, 2019

Blitz Spirit Essay Example for Free

Blitz Spirit Essay In this essay I will be arguing whether there was really a supposed blitz spirit in Britain during the war with Germany with Hitler the chancellor. The themes I will be focusing on throughout the essay and referring back to are; fear, tendency for victory, and abandonment. Firstly, starting off with a major for the argument. An extract from a letter from Humphrey Jennings to his wife in October 1940 explains how whilst living in London he saw the courage and joy from the British people at the darkest times and how every-one co-operated with each other. â€Å"What warmth – what courage! What determination. † He goes on t saying â€Å"Everyone secretly delighted with the privilege of holding up Hitler. Certain of beating him. † . which also tells us that first and foremost the morale of the public was high also that proud confident in themselves. This extract is focused on the theme of tendency for victory because they were certain of beating Hitler. However; this evidence might not be useful because even though it has come from a primary source, it was probably written in effort to comfort his wife with lies to ensure she isnt worried about him due to the situation in Britain. Although due to the time written, it could be deemed useful. Secondly a photograph taken early one morning after a raid in October 1940 shows a neat and well dressed milkman walking over the rubble and debris of the bombed buildings carrying milk. Which shows that the British kept their morale high (similar to previous) and continued on with their lives, no matter whatever the consequences. This extract is focused on tendency for victory aswell because they continued on working, even small jobs because ever little could make the difference was their thoughts. However this Evidence might not be useful because since the street was empty (as the shoot was scheduled early in the morning) we couldnt see anyone else apart from the milkman, hiding the others emotions, for all we know every-one couldve been depressed and slouching off. Also even-though the evidence came from a primary source; it couldve just been the Government motivating the country. But overall I think it might be useless. Onto the against for the argument. Firstly an account of life during a period of heavy air raids, written by Alice Bridges who lived in Birmingham explains how everyone had a fearful attitude â€Å"Will it be my turn next? † which tells us that they were afraid of the dominant Germans and didnt find the help of Britain enough. The theme of this extract is focused on fear, because they were afraid. This evidence is useful because not only does it come from a primary source but from a normal experienced citizen during the raids also has no reason to lie. Although there arent many reasons as to why this could not be useful but Alice Bridges couldve exaggerated the raids to seem better. But overall I think it might useful. Secondly a supposed Liverpool familys experience explains how they were left homeless for six months due to a heavy raid to the buildings whilst in the shelter. â€Å"We had nowhere to live except the shelter, and that was to be our home for six months. † Which tells us that there wasn’t much support and joy as they sound depressed and disappointed due to the lack of support either by others or the government? The theme of this extract focuses on abandonment because the government didnt help them, either by relocating or covering expenses. This evidence is useful because not only does it come from a primary source but from a normal experienced family during the raids also has no reason to lie. Although there arent many reasons as to why this could not be useful but the family couldve disclosed the support from others or the government to seem better. Although overall I think it might be useful. In conclusion I think there wasnt a blitz spirit due to the fact that the differences between the ‘for’ and ‘against’ sources aimed towards against as all the sources were at the time, whereas the for sources were either secondary sources published after the raid or just the government hypnotizing the public again.

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